Whistler Limo Service



New customers who inquire about Whistler Limo Service always want to know some background on our company. We put together this concise list of key facts about Whistler Limo Service so that you can familiarize yourself what what what we do and what we're about before you ever even give us a call.

> We're the #1 limousine rental company in the Sea-to-Sky Corridor
> Serving the Whistler area for many years and growing larger every year
> We handle all customers including personal, business, and tourists
> We have a large fleet of limousines to suit all types of events and styles
> Our vehicles include built-in bars, HDTVs, and high quality audio systems
> Inspection and maintenance happens before and after every rental
> We hire only professional chauffeurs, never ordinary drivers
> Fully licensed and insured for your protection
> Continually striving to offer the best limousine pricing in this area
> Closely connected with various entertainment venues for special deals
> Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
> Happy to help you save money when booking with us
> Easy to book your trip either via phone or email

To obtain answers to your own questions and receive an instant price quote, you can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year at 604-670-7124 or info@whistlerlimoservice.com. Thank you!

Whistler Limo Service - Arrive to events in style!

Our trustworthy service won't leave you in a panic! Check out our pricing to take away one more worry for your party's plans.